August Action Kit
Commit to visiting your Member of Congress this month
During August, members of Congress are home on recess. So, for the rest of the month, we are asking you to make calls, and then to also visit their local offices.
Tell them to begin the impeachment inquiry for Joe Biden when they return in September.
While the Department of Justice and FBI target and persecute law-abiding American citizens, brave whistleblowers testified that the DOJ regularly blocked investigations that could lead back to Joe Biden. The American people deserve answers, and the DOJ is too corrupt to find them.
There is more than enough information available publicly to know that Joe Biden deserves impeachment, so the House must launch an impeachment inquiry immediately. Please contact your Representative today and tell him or her to support any Republican efforts to investigate and impeach Joe Biden.
How to make a congressional office visit in 8 easy steps!
1. Look up your Representative’s local office address nearest to you by going to the Find Your Member feature on Congress.gov.
2. Call, text, and/or email friends to recruit them to go with you.
3. Fill out the form on this page to download our template constituent letter, which you can personalize for your representative.
4. Print your letter and take it with you. Write a brief personal note and leave it with your Representative’s office. Find a sample message below.
5. Show up at the office.
6. Tell the staff It is time for the House to begin the impeachment inquiry to discover the truth about the allegations against Joe Biden and his family, brought forth by whistleblowers and other evidence.
7. Take a photo and send it to us at photos@teapartypatriots.org.
8. Post about it on social media and encourage others to follow your lead! Use the hashtag #ImpeachBiden
Sample script when you arrive at the office
Hi, my name is __________ and I am a constituent. I would like to leave some materials for my Member of Congress telling them that it is time to begin impeachment procedings against Joe Biden.
Sample Letter to your Member of Congress
Dear Congressman ________________,
Please read my letter and consider starting impeachment procedings against Joe Biden in the House.
Thank you for your time. Please reach out to me with any questions.
Constituent and Patriot

Commit to Take Action
Add your name below if you commit to visiting your Member of Congress’s office near you during August.

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